In 2014, Missouri passed HB 2238, which creates a system for patients to legally obtain, possess, and use limited hemp extracts .The law states “hemp extract” as a preparation of cannabis that contains at least 5% CBD and no more than 0.3% THC. Only patients with a seizure disorder and a recommendation from a neurologist are allowed to obtain and possess a hemp registration card, which will protect them from arrest. Registered patients may purchase hemp from state regulated cannabis oil centers.
Proposed Laws
As an update, on February 3, 2015, Rep. David Hinson introduced the House Bill 800, which details a program that will be set up to distribute medical marijuana to certain eligible patients. Dispensaries, or medical cannabis centers, and caregivers would be authorized under the bill as well. Dispensaries would be authorized by the state to provide each owner with a medical cannabis center license and a medical cannabis cultivation and production facility license, with up to thirty medical marijuana facilities authorized throughout Missouri. Under the stated bill, the qualifying medical marijuana patients would be allowed to possess up to thirty grams “of usable cannabis during a period of fourteen days.” Medical marijuana would be regulated by the state division of alcohol and tobacco control, and they would be responsible for administering the program.
Caregiver Laws
Under House Bill 800 (proposed to take effect August 28, 2015), a caregiver must be 18 years of age or above, have no past background of any drug felony offense, and be registered with the Department of Health and Senior Services to possess, cultivate, and assist the qualifying registered patient with his use of medical marijuana. A caregiver may possess up to thirty grams of usable marijuana during a period of fourteen days for qualifying patients. A caregiver and his patients must always have in their possession a registry identification card for proof of legal possession of medical marijuana in the state of Missouri.
Dispensary Laws
Under House Bill 800 (proposed to take effect August 28, 2015), for a medical marijuana dispensary to operate, process, cultivate, and produce medical marijuana, the Department of Health and Senior Services requires the dispensary to be registered under the bill with both a medical cannabis center license and a medical cannabis cultivation and production facility license, which are valid for two years. Applicants must submit complete required information, documentation, application, and the required fee. The business must comply with the rules under the bill to operate in a proper manner. An owner must be 21 years of age or above with no past drug felony convictions and must not be a registered physician. He must provide required security equipments to prevent unauthorized entrance. Facilities must be at least 1,000 feet from a school, an alcohol or drug treatment facility, college or seminary campus, or a residential child care facility.
Growing Laws
The House Bill 800 (proposed to take effect August 28, 2015) does not allow for patients to grow.